The European Manga Academy
in Volterra

The location

The international Manga Summer School courses are held in 'Casa Torre Toscano', a historic tower in the heart of the etruscan city of Volterra. Despite it dating back to 1250 AD, the structure is perfectly equipped to welcome students and adults interested in learning manga technique. A unique city, with a remarkably rich history and heritage, to make the most of this learning experience.

Living in a Villa

During the Academy's International Summer courses, students and staff members alike are to lodge in a beautiful and spacious villa. The building offers an exquisite view of the surrounding area, is equipped with a swimming pool and is but 10 minutes away from the aforementioned tower. Why not engage in an in-depth conversation about drawing or story telling with your teachers? All while relaxing below an olive tree, taking in the view and the input coming from enthusiastic fellow classmates.

A stroll through centuries of Art

The Academy's staff is always more than willing to recommend the most interesting spots of the area; on your spare time, you'll have the opportunity to draw while sitting right in front of a painting by Rosso Fiorentino, to try your hand at sketching statues made of Volterran alabaster and more.

September in Japan

Students who are 18 or over and have completed the intermediate level of the Academy's introductory courses or more, can apply to study manga technique in Tokyo for a little over three weeks. Held in the month of September, the Academy's yearly trip to Japan serves as a means of facilitating and deepening our understanding of manga technique while basking in an especially engaging environment.
Student and teachers attend special classes held by Japanese professional artists, assistants, editors, animators, or character designers. What started as a stricktly professional partership turned into a much closer collaboration, with many a lecturer taking the chance to spend some free time together; be it to get to know the students better, to visit local museums and expositions or just to have fun together.